Jul 1Liked by Damir Marusic, Santiago Ramos

Things must be bad: Chantal Mouffe hasn't gotten a WoC mention in a long time.

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I challenge the description of Biden's politics as "bland centrism." The man himself has never been an ideological left-winger, but his administration has hardly been a return to the Clinton years. Industrial policy, a big infrastructure bill, keeping tariffs on China - this isn't exactly end-of-history, Third Way economics. And whatever Biden's personal instincts, there's very little debate going on among Democrats about social policy. The party's basically uniformly progressive on abortion, guns, LGBT issues, systemic racism. Some of them (including Biden) are beginning to realize border security is important, but it's not like there's a Democratic groundswell for a centrist immigration policy.

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Thank you!

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Will Xi take Taiwan? Because the Ukraine debacle is not enough of a deterrent? That the Chinese military have zero modern-era history of taking anything? That hundreds of millions of newly minted middle class Chinese, in a country where the new years greeting is "wishing you prosperity," suddenly want to toss it all to risk war with their top trading partner who often does wage war?

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I think you underestimate the Chinese party spin-doctors... they make Russia's apparatus look like child's-play and the Russian propagandists are killing it.

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No, I wasn't impressed by the performance of either candidate in the debate. But there is far more at stake than debates. We are teetering on the edge of totalitarianism, and only one party is behind it. If Trump succeeds at nothing bedsides thwarting the march to absolute rule, that's reason enough to vote for him.

Progressives like to think they are the good guys. Well, so did the KKK. So did the Nazis. No, progressives, you are not the good guys. And as democrats, you are loyalists to the party that promotes institutional racism. The democratic party fought to KEEP slavery. It formed the KKK in the Reconstruction South. It enacted and enforced EVERY Jim Crow law. Every elected official who stood against MLK was a democrat. And the democrat party currently rules every inner city in America. They hire the cops that shoot black guys. And, no, the crap that your democrat history teacher taught you about some magical switch between the two parties is a lie. It's been the same old racist democratic party all along.

The intent of both parties, first and foremast, is to attain and maintain power and control. They exist to tell us what we think, not ask us what we think. Their intent is to control us, herd us, and quash independent thought. The only person in DC who expresses any desire to put a stop to this is Donald Trump. He's the only one who is not a professional, lifetime politician. Coincidence? I don't think so.

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