
An incredible followup piece, also in the Post: “In the world of sexual fetishes, crossing the political aisle is a kink”

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Interesting piece. I've thought that the way men are increasingly perceived in parts as a threat is a big problem. No longer can men and women chat in bars easily over drinks. Instead, the act of approaching the other has been linked with more problematic behaviours.

I also think there is something to the problem of dating apps. I met my current partner over an app, so perhaps this is somewhat hypocritical, but the growth of apps has led to a more checklist dating culture. It opens the door to rejection straight away as you carefully curate your dating list.

This perhaps links in to the broader question in the article over male attractiveness.

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Having married across this divide, I can confirm there are more important things than politics. However, in 4+ years, already the politics are growing more aligned. Something I consider a natural outcome of a good marriage. When compromise and compassion are driving values, it sets the stage for successful dating and successful marriage. Unfortunately, the wings of left and right have never valued humility enough to learn that wisdom. They'll figure it out, just not in time to reverse birthrates before they are frail and unsupported.

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Interesting post but, for most people, there is a bigger factor than politics influencing their romantic mating options.....their sexual attractiveness or lack of it: ".....the huge difference between the fortunes of what one might term the More and the Less Desired of each sex. Opinion pieces, sometimes serious and sometimes coy, on the subject of unfair sex are to be found in abundance. What always strikes me when I read this kind of journalism is how it is always framed in terms of a generic species called ‘Women’ and a generic species called ‘Men’; as if the perceived ‘unfair’ asymmetries under discussion are entirely ones between the sexes...... The huge intra-sexual differences between the experiences of pretty women and ‘plain’ ones; and between confident ‘alpha’ males and ‘betas’ – this never gets considered." https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/the-less-desired

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Maybe this is an argument for left-wing polygamy and right-wing polyandry

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With millions of people of the opposite sex in every age group, it seems statistically impossible to be forced to marry someone outside of your political tribe.

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If conservative men and women are marrying each other, and progressive men and women are marrying each other, there will be a lot of conservative men and progressive women left over.

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