Thanks for this. Parts of the analysis made me search for Arendt in my head when she talks about the death of value at the altar of new forms of power which have emerged. Nuclear weapons changed the way we can conceive of ourselves and others because of its awe-inspiring destruction. The commentary I think in Arendt when she discusses po…
Thanks for this. Parts of the analysis made me search for Arendt in my head when she talks about the death of value at the altar of new forms of power which have emerged. Nuclear weapons changed the way we can conceive of ourselves and others because of its awe-inspiring destruction. The commentary I think in Arendt when she discusses power interlocks with your valuable analysis of Agamben here.
I'm not the biggest Agamben fan and your description of his willingness to unleash politics seems at first glance to perhaps conflict with his other writings in Homosacer and state of exception where to me he appears nervous of this kind of action. The danger of unleashing a goal comes with it the Trumpian style of leadership of leading people to the promised land. In some ways we do need to find a common goal but goals are just as dangerous as apathy for me.
I can see that tension in Agamben. I think it's interesting that the mini-essays he publishes online tend to be more political and positive than the Homo Sacer writings. I need to read more Arendt!
I did not know he published mini-essays online. I'll definitely have to take a look! Arendt really does split opinion but the more I've read of her the more I appreciate her writing tbh.
Thanks for this. Parts of the analysis made me search for Arendt in my head when she talks about the death of value at the altar of new forms of power which have emerged. Nuclear weapons changed the way we can conceive of ourselves and others because of its awe-inspiring destruction. The commentary I think in Arendt when she discusses power interlocks with your valuable analysis of Agamben here.
I'm not the biggest Agamben fan and your description of his willingness to unleash politics seems at first glance to perhaps conflict with his other writings in Homosacer and state of exception where to me he appears nervous of this kind of action. The danger of unleashing a goal comes with it the Trumpian style of leadership of leading people to the promised land. In some ways we do need to find a common goal but goals are just as dangerous as apathy for me.
I can see that tension in Agamben. I think it's interesting that the mini-essays he publishes online tend to be more political and positive than the Homo Sacer writings. I need to read more Arendt!
I did not know he published mini-essays online. I'll definitely have to take a look! Arendt really does split opinion but the more I've read of her the more I appreciate her writing tbh.
Here's his online stuff:
that's great thanks :)