Excellent introductory piece and excited about the growth of WoC

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Thank you Charlie! Glad to hear you're excited as we are :)

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Aside from the core topic, but when the Stones' song "Sympathy for the Devil" came up, Damir attacked its claim that "you and me" killed the Kennedys. I agree that the line is ill-conceived and arguably pathetic, but as an aging Boomer, I reject his snarky assertion that this illustrates the level of sentimental misunderstanding of my generation of Americans. As a Democrat, I happened to dislike the Kennedys. More to the point, the Rolling Stones are British. I believe the sentiment they expressed reflects a view rather common in Britain, but not in the US.

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"Looking at contemporary history, we search for explanations behind actions—military invasions, assassinations, terrorist attacks—which we rightly find abhorrent. There are certain hot-button questions that, in certain contexts, elicit the explain/excuse conflation: why Russia invaded Ukraine; why the Palestinian resistance resorted to terrorism; why millions of Americans vote for Donald Trump."

"Instead, in the United States today, we often find our neighbors’ views unjust or worse, dehumanizing."

It seems like we're right on the cusp of calling millions of votes for Trump abhorrent, and conflicting with the second quote.

One of the problems with that is that when it's clear to people that they're found abhorrent, it can give them greater license to abhorrent behavior. (Well they already hate us, so who cares what they think?)

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Shadi, let me get straight to the point: why the emphasis on a speciation, “cognitive empathy”?

Why not supreme emphasis upon the notion empathy eg common unconditional love between villagers, between indigenous and between dog and man?

I write with fire in the belly to resurge the empathy of #zerocrime villages & towns in #SpiceTradeAsia region. Still existing in thousands of them in Central Java, East Java & Bali.

A visual video feel: https://youtu.be/NuZujx-LMfg

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