Congrats on the Atlantic!

As far as these two essays go, as I noted to Damir, if you know someone who has been scammed, the scam essay hits a little different. But as to the disintegrating marriage/mental health crisis essay, wow…. I don’t think I needed to know all of that about two people I will never meet.

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I wonder how much of this opinion vomit would exist at all if posts were non-existent and people had to write actual letters to the editor. I offer a fourth theory: people are awful, and substantially more so in our new age of fewer gatekeepers and "anonymity first" social mores.

Congrats Christine! I will have to re-up my Atlantic subscription, by far one of the more worth-while periodicals I have ever paid to have mailed to me.

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Reminds me of the research Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt have pointed to, about how higher education doesn’t generally make people more open-minded, just better at rationalizing what they already believed

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