This is a great essay Damir! I do agree with you about law, politics, and the role of the exception. Law as a way to regulate the political, does not remove norms from the law, rather it ensures norms are embedded within the law itself.

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"We are in the realm of the irreconcilable." This is a fine essay. For me, the bottom-line takes it to a new level. But do I misread it? Are we "in the realm" as a country or because non e of us, as either participants or onlookers, has a framework that allows us to step outside this particular issue?

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Thanks Tom. I don’t think you’re misreading.

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Good post. I'm confused by the last sentence:

"But that just goes to prove that we are in the realm of the irreconcilable, the purely political realm, where the “normal” legal proceduralism no longer fully applies."

"Purely" & "no longer fully"; the adverbs themselves seem irreconcilable. Accepting the indictments are not devoid of politics does not make them "purely" political.

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