Apr 17Liked by Mario Šilar

This is a very interesting article. As a Spaniard, I appreciate the use of Unamuno to convey the author’s emotions. Additionally, the subtitle ‘Can you achieve liberal goals using authoritarian means?’ is particularly apt. Overall, the article is very interesting. Great job.

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Singapore achieved liberal ends through illiberal means.

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Apr 18Liked by Mario Šilar

Very interesting article. The information we receive about Milei in Europe is so biased by left-wing anti-liberalism that it is hard to make up one’s mind about someone who says many of the right things but seems… well, a little disturbed. Please follow up on this article in a few months.

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Apr 18Liked by Mario Šilar

This was an extremely interesting article providing a more theoretical insight into Javier Milei. Some of his more radical propositions (like dolaraisaition*) will need of more time, money and a stabler government. There is where the differences from theory and practice appear. Which begs the question of: how close can a functioning politician stay to his values? So I guess we'll have to wait and see. Overall it was a great read with some great points and arguments.

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Apr 17Liked by Mario Šilar

Very interesting points made... but, do we really consider Milei an authoritarian? Why? He is confronting with decades of a corrupt state, with (undeclared) money infiltrating each and every layer of our society (colleges, news, corporate...) . He doesn't have the best ways of addressing people, but he presented two big pieces of legislation, Ley Bases and Executive Order (a.k.a. Megadecreto).

He unleashes tons of corruption and was radical on some of the approaches, some others require a slower transition but we can't argue that the model of country he is proposing is a Libertarian one.

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