Hi - I don't necessary think the profound disagreements are in the article, I think they are part of the broader conversation. So people end up talking past each other.

Also - Culture: https://tempo.substack.com/p/culture-club

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"Against Foreigners. Anne Applebaum argues that Trump’s dehumanizing language about immigrants creates a “them”: “Trump blurs the distinction between illegal immigrants and legal immigrants.” Everyone who does not fit into that camp of unwanted aliens is “us.”

Anne is a little confused, again. It is the MSM and progressives generally, who make no distinction between legal and illegal immigrants. How often does Kamala, or the Biden regime generally, make any distinction that people flooding across the border are illegal. You'd have a hard time finding any such reference in anything she's ever said.

Trump does that make that distinction. So do legal immigrants. From what I can tell, and I've talked with legal immigrants personally, they want the borders closed to illegal immigration as much and more than anyone else.

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