Mar 31Liked by Damir Marusic, Shadi Hamid, Jen Brick Murtazashvili, Santiago Ramos

Another epic podcast. Damir is priceless because his consistent worldview is not performative.

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Mar 31Liked by Damir Marusic, Jen Brick Murtazashvili, Santiago Ramos

Loved the episode. Agree with Shari’s proposal to do a part 2. Thank you, all. 🙏

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Mar 31Liked by Damir Marusic

Haven't commented in a long time. But Great episode. Have you all come across the book The Myth of Religious Violence by William Cavanaugh? It's a theological book and was required reading in my comparative religion class in grad school. I've used some of his arguments from his book to push back against some of my fellow Christians (I'm clergy) and their understanding of Islam. I also footnoted the podcast in sermon recently :) See: https://www.amazon.com/Myth-Religious-Violence-Ideology-Conflict/dp/0195385047/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3D5P3YLLRBXAD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.MVyxjo600_bom74MSl6ueGLIY0hUpOhc5wNHzboyAs0W9NEIuz5yXoa664Pa_0WAyZIDSByuTRX8Vbm2HUg9CWAOqlFJDfWOle9fl_vlltGG1rH9ytiD1vKlUjyJ7Itd4NJUjpk7icAdpvnvxOWGMMB1hXXNP38mMs4U73PY_wlKdG1TV_BHarEGObeo8ZIPKERMtF8cRa1_LmIN6mBtdb9YpaiUVm5WYPNuDerm4EI.IoXHjdZmZELKYmNiHznwFITEhvR8JXwT2Gh-B4dVQWU&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+myth+of+religious+violence&qid=1711858142&sprefix=the+myth+of+religious+violen%2Caps%2C333&sr=8-1

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I kind of wish Shadi would address Hamas's war strategy of maximizing civilian deaths for its own useful ends. Or even if he would answer Damir and Jennifer's points about the problems of the cease-fire which could barely be raised because Shadi kept interrupting.

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A very infuriating episode. Shadi really has the patience of a saint dealing with both Damir and Jen's inability to care and reckon, respectively, with the shear destruction the Israeli military has wrought on Gaza.

Also Shadi is right about Philly Shrek's tweet. Agency can't just be applied to one side of the conflict.

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I love how Damir almost became the moderator during parts of this haha. On the act of disagreement me and my friends can really disagree vigorously over a drink and then just move on. It is helpful I think and by loving the person behind the opinion, even if that opinion is something we really dislike. Separating the human from the idea I think is pretty vital in civil society and without it we get into the 'personal is political' trap. We should take time to explain why we find views abhorrent if we do so but I think just leaving them aside and daring not to enter such conversations is leaving the issue like a live wire... always dangerous even if we don't touch it right now.

on the issue of the morality and how passionately we should feel I'm not sure I buy the idea that because it's an ally it makes it worse. After-all, America and the West could have intervened in Syria to stop the slaughter. It simply refused to do so. How is this any different? I'm honestly more upset that we allow North Korea to still exist as an entity with 250,000 people rotting away in concentration camps than I am about this. Precisely because we treat a regime like North Korea as a funny joke or an intractable political problem than the deep moral failing that we talk about with Gaza.

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Shadi acknowledges that Hamas is a terrible terrorist organization that won’t rest until Israel is destroyed, and, in the same breath, he says that Israel should capitulate and let them remain in power, where they’ll remain an existential threat to Israel’s existence.

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Wooo!! Just listening now and very excited. I work on a project focused on constructive disagreement and was recently reflecting that my personal biggest challenge is not going into "questions and listening mode" but still standing up for myself/beliefs while engaging productively and empathetically. PS congrats on the new partnership!

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